Sunday, May 30, 2010

Donation Carvings for Memorial Golf Outing Updated (part 2)

Well, it seems to be taking a long time to finish these guys, but they are sharing knife time with a few other projects that I'll be posting soon.

What you have here are the four finished busts sitting  on their cages.

I've drilled and glued 3/8" dowel into the bottom of the busts so I have something to hold onto while I  paint.

The dowel comes in handy later as I will use the dowel again to fasten the busts to the bases.

The final picture shows the bases and busts coated in a mixture of mineral spirit and  boiled linseed oil.  I love that 'golden' aura of the part once coated.

I have also magically placed the golf balls inside the cage.

Trade secret doctrine dictate that I not divulge how I got the golf balls in there.

As you read this, the guys are gettin' all painted stuff.

A good day to all and as always, thanks for stopping by!

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